Yolo Barre Guide

Our Deal Partner!

4625 2nd St #110, Davis, CA 95618

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“Active Fun!”

When we first started the MyDavisCalifornia account, we had no idea we would be covering the opposite of food eating. Exercise! Guess what though!? All of these calories consumed means we have to spend calories in the form of exercise!

Not only did we not think we would be featuring exercise places, but we had no idea we would be learning an entirely new form of exercise. Enter Yolo Barre. It was the first class and it was incredible. It’ll kick your butt if you don’t take it seriously! You absolutely should try a class. The staff and owner are incredibly welcoming and offer all types of first-timer packages. Check them out the next time you are looking for some fitness options!


  • Location: Located by Target towards East Davis, the location makes for a nice convenience if you are looking to get some errands done before/after getting in a workout. Bonus if you bike there!
  • Amenities: A very clean studio that also provides all of the necessary equipment. Just bring yourself and you are good to go!
  • Energy: Our first time trying barre was very different than expected! It’s high-energy and high intensity exercise! It absolutely will get the blood flowing.
  • Unique: Not sure if many people out there have tried Barre before, but we absolutely recommend it. Definitely try a class to see if the type of exercise is for you!

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