The Growing Groves Guide

219 E St Suite A, Davis, CA 95616

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“Plants are the MVP”

The Growing Groves is an iconic plant shop in town. If you need anything related to interior decoration regarding greenery, this is your shop.

The knowledge that the owners and staff have of these plants is incredible. You would think it’s as simple as a cactus or small shrub, but it’s not! There are way more than just generic houseplants in there. Honestly, there might not even be generic houseplants in there depending on the time of the year you go!

Check out the various options they have. If you have pets, a particular space/lighting situation, or anything at all – go in and ask them! They are pros over there and will help you find any plant you need for whichever space you need.


  • Location: In the heart of downtown Davis, this plant shop makes for the perfect stop. Take your friends, go after a nice snack downtown, or simply pop in if you’re out and about!
  • Ownership Presence: The owners of the store are almost always there. That is incredible. Get your plant facts and knowledge directly from the source. They are so friendly and extremely helpful in any situation!
  • Unique Plants: Want a carnivorous plant? They got ‘em. Want a plant for your terrarium? They got ‘em. Want a plant that has some of the coolest variegation out there? Guess what. Yep, they got ‘em.
  • Community Involvement: Keep an eye out for the various events that are put on either by the store or events that they attend. They are almost always doing something with the community and for that, we thank them for all that they do!

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