Sudwerk Breakfast Burrito

2001 2nd St, Davis CA 95618

Check out our video!

Have you heard of cheese? Have ya heard of beer? Beer cheese. Breakfast burrito. 

As we continue our quest to consume every breakfast burrito in Davis, our next stop brings us to Sudwerk. A well-known brewery around town and rightfully so! But did you know since they remodeled, they added a very high-level kitchen and staff? Beer meets food. Awesome. 

If you’re here reading, you’re here to learn about the Sudwerk Breakfast Beer-Rito. Coming right up. This beast comes with Pilsner brats (bratwurst sausage infused with pilsner flavors), Pilsner cheese (same as the brats, but now cheese), Hefeweizen onions, shoestring fries, chipotle aioli (for a touch of heat), and two eggs. Don’t forget the healthy dose of beer cheese on the side! This will be crucial for dipping and dunking your burrito as you are eating it. It’s amazing.

Served only on Sundays during their brunch (check out our brunch video), you can order this tasty beast. It is very filling and the textures in the burrito are perfect. A consistent bite throughout, meaning that you get each ingredient in each bite. Nothing more frustrating than a burrito where you only get a certain ingredient on one part of the burrito. This thoroughly mixed and wrapped burrito ensures you get a bit of everything in each bite. This ensures an enjoyable burrito experience.


  • Beer Cheese: It’s like the guest star or even a co-host. All burritos can always use a sauce on the side. Trust us when we say that it is very good. 
  • Portion Size: This is a guaranteed hunger buster. If you can’t finish it, the leftovers will be a delicious snack. Can’t confirm, as there have never been leftovers, but surely a tasty snack. 
  • Bar: They have drinks of all kinds here! If you want a drink with your brunch, do it! That’s what America is all about. Indulge yourself. Check out our coupon!
  • Atmosphere: The newly renovated bar and patio are instantly appreciated. Enjoy your food inside or outside depending on how you’re feeling!

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