Great Bear Vineyards Guide

Our Deal Partner!

24800 Co Rd 101A, Davis, CA 95616

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“Davis “Napa” California”

This has to be one of our favorite features of Davis. When we say Davis has a little bit of everything, this is a perfect example of just that. How many little college towns have a vineyard a little over a mile from downtown!? How crazy is that! Think of the infrastructure and the agricultural geography needed to do something like that. We are lucky!

It’s not just your standard or average vineyard though. Great Bear has won many awards for their wine. They’ve even beaten out or competed very closely with Napa and Lodi wines. If you don’t know much about wine, those two places are some of the most renowned wine destinations in California, if not the world.


  • Location: Again, it’s a bit over a mile north of downtown. Follow F Street all the way up north and you’re there. You can literally bike there! Good luck biking to Napa or Lodi!
  • Davis: Anytime we have something that people from surrounding cities come for, we are winning. That means you don’t have to leave Davis to see such a popular attraction!
  • Views: You can’t miss the views when you go. If you were to be blindfolded and dropped off there, you would assume it was Napa. You see the mountains, the land, in the summer the lavender, and obviously, the vineyard. It’s beautiful!
  • Wine: Grown on-site, harvested by hand, and processed by the owner herself! This is about as good as it gets. If you like wine and live in Davis, do yourself a favor and try the wine that is grown and made in Davis, CA!

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