Davis Farmers Market

301 C St, Davis, CA 95616

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“An actual classic.”

If you somehow are reading a Davis guide, on a Davis website, and you’ve never heard of the Davis Farmers Market – that is impressive. It’s arguably one of the most iconic things this town has to offer. It’s such a central part of the community and it wouldn’t be crazy to assume a shocking percentage of residents in Davis have been at least one. So if you’re one of the rare few who hasn’t been, respect!

There is so much to appreciate at the market, it captures so much of the town. Small businesses, locally grown agriculture, and community. It makes for great opportunities to meet with friends, and get some grocery shopping done, while also enjoying some amazing food from the food vendors!


  • Location: As central as it gets – Central Park. It just makes sense! Conveniently located in the heart of Davis.
  • Rain or Shine: The market will happen every Wednesday and Saturday! With a few rare occasions where air quality or extreme weather is an issue, the market will always be there. Incredibly consistent.
  • Food Vendors: Local favorite restaurants set up tents so if you are looking for a quick snack or even a meal, you can find food options here. Great for picnics!
  • Summer: A classic summertime activity. Get some friends, grab a blanket, and hang out at the market. Enjoy food options and an amazing evening with the community!

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